Cedar Grove/Isaac Willet Cemetery

Cedar Grove/Isaac Willet Cemetery

Cedar Grove Cemetery is in section twenty six (in the western part of the township) located about halfway between 100 and 200 West, surrounded by private residences on Sugar Creek trail. The entrance to sugar creek trail is on the south side of 200 North, east of the bridge over Sugar Creek.
“In 1838, Isaac Willett build a mill on Sugar Creek near Cedar Grove Church, four miles northwest of Greenfield.” He also donated land for the burying grounds, thus creating the dual name, Cedar Grove/Isaac Willett Burying Grounds.

The Cedar Grove Methodist was one of the pioneer churches of the township. The Shelbys, Robbinses, and other families of the community first worshipped at the White schoolhouse that stood nearby until a church building was erected by the congregation about 1868. During the Civil War, a number of members from the Sugar Creek Methodist Church joined and services were half at cedar grove until the late 1970’s.

Descendants of persons buried in the cemetery placed a plaque denoting its name on the rail fence surrounding the fourteen graves.

The county has been deeded the grounds and access and they are protected by the neighboring homeowner, Jim Bailey.

Sue Baker, CGRS

Heritage Books Copyright 1993


This Cemetery is Township Owned and Operated.

​No plots are currently for sale.

1764 N Sugar Creek Trial
Greenfield, IN 46140
United States